Hi all,
Thank you to everyone who came along and supported us at Blue Reef last week. The great news is that thanks to your generosity, and that of the people who so kindly made online donations, our total raised do far is.......£1027.68! Brilliant. That means we are over 1/3rd of the way to our target of £3000.
Our thanks also go to the staff at Blue Reef for making last week possible and our amazing volunteers, Caroline, Annabelle, Tabby, Kirby & George who along with me (and my oh so patient children!) talked to our supporters and ran a competition to guess the weight of omiros the resident, blind loggerhead at the aquarium. One lucky winner has won family membership to Blue Reef, very kindly donated by Blue Reef.
Don't forget to contact us if you want to book a place on the Ocean Adventure or fishing trip on March 27th. Should be a brilliant day!
Nicola. xx